Tax Saving Accountants

Peterborough Businesses could be punished

Peterborough Accountants Stonehouse have been informed that Small businesses in a number of industries across the UK might be asked and encouraged to seek the assistance of a specialist tax accountancy service following a recent government announcement. HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has just announced a new line of punishment for organisations seen to be […]

Tax Saving Accountants

Peterborough new business start-ups are booming

Some points to consider for those who are considering starting up in self employment</strong rel=”nofollow”> or have recently started up in self employment</strong >… read more… This kind of headline always looks familiar in times of retarded economic growth and extended recession leading into depression… as the nagging pain of job insecurity, shock of redundancies […]

Tax Saving Accountants

Save Up To 25% On Accountancy Fees At Our Peterborough Accountants

Don’t ask your Accountant in Peterborough how much you’ll be charged, instead ask how much will you save.[/caption] Are you a self employed CIS subcontractor sole trader, partnership, limited company or charity and currently with * “ larger, multi-partner firm of accountants ” and after five or more years plus… feeling that you are just […]

Tax Saving Accountants

Political Unrest in Egypt Affect Travel Company in Peterborough

I’m sure by now, if you’ve not been living under a stone, you would have heard about the POLITICAL unrest in Egypt and Tunisia which apparently is expected to cost Peterborough-based travel company Thomas Cook £20 million. The Peterborough based company has said that its second quarter figures will be affected by the strife in […]

Tax Saving Accountants

Accountants In Peterborough Offer More

In one of my latest Accountants Peterborough blog news items, I offered all small business owners, what I considered to be invaluable accountancy advice for their consideration… the “heads-up” on one simple recommendation (we make to all our clients) to help them save themselves really significant amounts of income tax this year, next year and […]

Tax Saving Accountants

Self Employed Peterborough Tax Advice

Want to know what the single, most effective tax planning strategy is, for any small business’ recommended by Stonehouse Accountants in Peterborough ? read more… THE SINGLE MOST EFFECTIVE TAX AND VAT planning strategy any sole trader, subcontractor, freelance consultant, partnership, limited company director – with annual business income from 60k to 1M plus VAT […]

Tax Saving Accountants

HMRC are on the prowl! | Accounting Advice

Small and medium sized businesses in Peterborough need prepare themselves for a review on their business records by HMRC. Frank Waller FCPA of Accountants in Peterborough Stonehouse, specialises in Tax Savings, says Peterborough Businesses need to prepare themselves as HMRC are planning to carry out 50,000 checks nationwide every year for the next four years based on […]

Tax Saving Accountants

Accountant in Peterborough – always welcomes new enquires

Can we help your business this new 2011 year? We are encouraged by the many new client enquiries generated by our firm’s website, but, by and far the largest number of new clients joining Stonehouse Accountants in Peterborough, are referred by word of mouth recommendation from our existing clients. ‘Accountancy Fees’ are rarely a concern, […]

Tax Saving Accountants

Tax Advice in Peterborough

Q: What’s the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion? A: Jail… read on The former Chancellor of the Exchequer, Denis Healey explained the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion in this way:- “The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is the thickness of a prison wall.” or Tax avoidance is legal, I’ll state […]

Tax Saving Accountants

Filing your tax return on or before the deadline – the real deal

I truly never cease to be amazed by just how effective the taxman’s £100 (and rising) late filing penalty is, for annual personal self assessment tax returns… Conscientious clients who have been with my Accounting firm for many years… still telephone me to check they won’t be fined and that their tax return is complete […]

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