Garden Office
Tax Saving Accountants

Can My Business Pay for an Office in My Garden?

Increasingly, workers and business owners are enjoying work away from the office. 14% of the UK are working from home in 2024, and many report that this arrangement not only boosts their work-life balance and well-being but also allows them to complete tasks quicker and with fewer distractions than in a traditional office setting. But […]

Tax Saving Accountants

Is It Possible To Become Self-Employed After Retirement?

Retirement is a time for new beginnings. You’ve finally hung up your work suit, said goodbye to the daily commute and now have the freedom to pursue your passions. But what if that passion involves being your own boss? If you’re getting twitchy feet and looking to return to work in a more freeing way, […]

man thinking
Tax Saving Accountants

What is My Unique Taxpayer Reference and Where Can I Find It?

If you’re self-employed, learning the ins and outs of tax returns can be a tricky and time-consuming task. Here at Stonehouse Accountants, we work with small business owners across the UK and are often asked the same questions by each new client we speak to. One of the topics that often causes confusion is UTR […]

Tax Saving Accountants

A Quick Guide to Sole Trader Bookkeeping

So, you’re starting out as a sole trader. Exciting times. There’s a lot to think about when you go it alone and set up your own business, but among your top priorities should be bookkeeping.  Why? Well, bookkeeping is an essential part of running a business. In a nutshell, it involves recording financial transactions that […]

changing accountants
Tax Saving Accountants

How Easy Is It To Change Accountants?

Your accountant plays an instrumental role in your business. From providing financial projections to handling your tax returns on time, an accountant can have a dramatic effect on the day-to-day running of your business – and its future growth prospects. Pick the right accountant and you’ll be setting yourself up for success. Pick the wrong […]

Tax Saving Accountants

A Beginner’s Guide to Preparing Annual Accounts

Setting up a small business can be a tremendously rewarding and satisfying experience, but it isn’t without its challenges. As a business owner, you’ll have to wear all kinds of different hats: not only will you be the company’s director, but you’ll also have to deal with things like statutory accounts. Completed annually, statutory accounts […]

payroll services
Tax Saving Accountants

How to Run Payroll Services For a Small UK Business

There are a number of key milestones that every successful business will experience. Making the first sale, for instance. Securing a lucrative contract with an established business. Making a profit for the first time. And, of course, hiring the first member of staff. Building a team is undoubtedly one of the most exciting and rewarding […]

sole trader taxes
Tax Saving Accountants

Tax Calendar 101: Stay Ahead of the Game with Key Dates for Sole Traders

Going self-employed is a major milestone in anyone’s career, and there’s a whole lot to think about before you make the leap. Aside from setting up and running the business itself, you’ll have an array of other responsibilities to consider… responsibilities like paying your taxes on time. Whether you plan to hire an accountant or […]

How to Organise Business Receipts for Financial Clarity
Tax Saving Accountants

How to Organise Business Receipts for Financial Clarity

In the dynamic world of business, one often overlooked aspect is the art of receipt retention. For the self-employed, sole traders, and finance managers alike, maintaining a well-organised record of business receipts is not just a matter of compliance, but a key ingredient for financial success. In this guide, we’ll explore the optimal duration for […]

Financial Consultancy For Risk Management

Financial Consultancy For Risk Management

Financial consultancy for risk management is a service that helps businesses identify, assess, and mitigate financial risks. Financial consultants can help businesses develop and implement risk management strategies, policies, and procedures. They can also provide training and support to staff on risk management best practices. This practice is important for businesses of all sizes, but […]

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