Tax Saving Accountants

A quarter of start-ups make up legal contract

According to a survey by legal firm, over a quarter of new businesses are failing to seek legal guidance when putting together documents such as terms and conditions, employment contracts and sales agreements. Not Seeking Legal Guidance Means No Protection While saving on legal fees, businesses drafting their own contracts risk leaving out clauses […]

Tax Saving Accountants

Shoppers are online in cold April

Cold and wet April weather encouraged UK shoppers to buy clothing online, spending 85% more on the web than in the year before, figures suggest. Industry body Interactive Media in Retail Group (IMRG) said £326m was spent on clothing through the internet, amid snow and rain last month. The increase is in stark contrast to […]

payment systems
Tax Saving Accountants

Small Shops Feel The Heat

Bira, (formerly The British Shops and Stores Association/BSSA) has announced the latest set of results from its quarterly Sales Monitor. Unfortunately, they reveal a disappointing March and Easter period, although this is balanced in part by a strong January and February. The overall average performance during the quarter of January to March 2008 was down […]

feeling good at the workplace
Tax Saving Accountants

Chronic Disease Affecting Productivity

According to research by PwC and The World Economic Forum, over the next 25 years, chronic disease is set to reduce the available labour pool, highlighting a clear need for workplace wellness programmes. The former delves into techniques for better mental wellbeing at work. Meanwhile, the latter discusses ways in which employers can encourage more […]

cartoon candidate
Tax Saving Accountants

Companies Must Harness Online Power When Recruiting

Recruitment is changing drastically. With the digital age becoming a massive part of life, everything is facing transformation and the process of job seeking is no exception. The internet plays a huge role in inviting prospective employees to view positions they would have never have otherwise found only a few years ago. The scope of […]

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