Tax Saving Accountants

The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme For SMEs

As Covid-19 has become known as one of the world’s most renowned viruses since the Ebola outbreak in 2013, it wasn’t long until the widespread disease became known as a global pandemic. Announced by Boris Johnson on Monday 23rd March, the government has imposed strict new measures in order to tackle Coronavirus. Boris Johnson stated […]

landlords cash flow affected by new high interest rates
Tax Saving Accountants

The Issue Of Cash Flow And How To Solve It As An SME

Cash flow is the movement of money transferring in and out of a business, and in the UK, cash flow is a common problem for SMEs. Poor cash flow can be detrimental to a company’s strength, let alone its ability to grow. Over half of SME owners have played witness to cash flow problems, meanwhile, […]

Tax Saving Accountants

Greener Future: Company EV Tax Exempt In 2020/21

As we enter a new decade, it is becoming more and more evident that we are in an environmental crisis. This justifies the sales of electric vehicles which rose by 144% in 2019, followed by a major decline in the popularity of diesel-fueled cars. This has triggered the government to cut down on their attempt […]

human and robot hands solving a puzzle, machine learning
Tax Saving Accountants

The Impact of AI on SME Accounting

Accountancy firms have always endeavoured to provide value, and tailored financial advice to their clients. Stonehouse Accountants is no exception. The constantly evolving, accounting landscape puts enormous pressure to provide timelier and increased data quality to HMRC. 5 years down the line from the birth of the Making Tax Digital (MTD) initiative, HMRC is making […]

accounting and bookkeeping difference
Tax Saving Accountants

The Differences Between Accounting And Bookkeeping?

For those unfamiliar with the financial sector, certain terminology and its interpretation can be somewhat mindboggling. Bookkeeping and accounting, for example, are often seen as being much of the same process. Though it is true that each role engages with the analysis of financial data, a certain level of accountancy skills, and the proficiency to […]

Tax Saving Accountants

What Does The VAT Reverse Charge Delay Mean For Construction?

The government settled the domestic VAT reverse charge for building and construction services back in September this year, but it is said to have been delayed by a year and won’t go ahead until 1st October 2020. In this post, we will discuss what compromises the VAT reverse charge, the reasons for the delay and […]

Making Tax Digital
Tax Saving Accountants

Making Tax Digital (MTD)

You may have heard about the recent changes to the way VAT must be reported. In April 2019, HMRC introduced Making Tax Digital (MTD). The main change with this new piece of legislation is the way your VAT returns are filed online. If your company is turning over more than £85,000 you are now required […]

surprised and confused solicitor
Tax Saving Accountants

Strange Tax Laws From Across The Globe

Unsurprisingly, tax laws are often born with the ulterior motive of provoking social changes, or for a few extra pennies in the revenue pocket. Frequently, these come with undertones of absurdity. Stonehouse Accountants dives into some of the weird and wonderful tax laws that have ever been created across the world.  Tethered Hot Air Balloon […]

calendar showing tax deadlines
Tax Saving Accountants

Defining Annual Deadlines From an Accountancy Perspective

When it comes to the financial sector of business, it is important to be rigorously aware of the different annual deadlines. But remembering and understanding the Financial, Tax, Fiscal and Accounting years is complicated!  Each category owns varying relevance depending on your business. Stonehouse has produced this blog to explain the differences, and of which […]

thrifty business tips
Tax Saving Accountants

Tax Incentives for SMEs You Need to Know About

During the early development period, while establishing your Small to Medium Enterprise (or SME), every penny counts. You want to carve yourself an edge against competition in the industry as you fulfil a dream of owning a successful business.  It is, therefore, an intelligent approach to consider all the ways in which you may reduce […]

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